Aqui estoy ... con Joaquin Sabina
Joaquin Sabina, according to the ever-useful Wikipedia, is a Spanish singer, songwriter and poet. I've never heard of him, but apparently my micro has and thinks I should too. Background: Every time you ride a micro, when you pay you get a little ticket back. (Pay no attention to the number of soles it says you paid because it lies. I think the cobrador just rips off a random one.) One micro that I ride has quotes on the bottom of its tickets. I, for some reason, seem to get an inordinate amount of quotes from Mr. Sabina: see my boleto bar graph below.
The stranger part is the actual quote. It says "Lo bueno de los años es que curan heridas lo malo de los besos es que crean adiccion," which translates to 'The good thing about the years is that they cure pain, the bad thing about kisses is that they're addicting.' Okay....what do the two parts of that sentence have to do with each other? Strange.
Hasta la proxima
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